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Nuevos negocios

Casos de éxito

Casal Online (2023)

#Corporate Venture Builder

#Business advice

#Strategic advice

#Idea to Market

#Corporate funding

#Grants #Innovation

#Social impact

Benestarum (2021)

#Corporate Venture Builder

#Business advice

#Strategic advice

#Idea to Market

#Corporate funding



#Social impact

Dogstar (2021)

#Founding partner


#Investor support




Underwater Gardens (2020)

#Personal advice

#Business advice



#Sustainable impact

Fontafy (2019)

#Strategic advice

#Corporate Venture Builder

#Corporate funding


iClassics (2014)


#Key learning


#Investor support


#Social impact



Caomka (2012)



DreamCard (2011)


#Key learning



Play Attiude (2008)


#Key learning


#Social impact


Play Creatividad (2002)


#Key learning


Tiendabasket (2001)




Tot Bàsquet (1999)




#Social impact

+ 20 años creando nuevos negocios innovadores

Play Venture Builder

Contact Info

(+34) 676459795

Carrer Indústria, 60, Local 7 08025 Barcelona, Spain

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